


Saturday, October 29, 2016

Why We Need Phoenix Heating Plumbing Air Conditioning, and Will for a While

Phoenix Heating Plumbing Air Conditioning
Phoenix Heating Plumbing Air Conditioning
Is Phoenix heating plumbing air conditioning out of control? We all know how necessary it is that we have Phoenix heating plumbing air conditioning available in our homes. The state has made it a necessary part of living in the valley. But why do we need so much of it? Well, obviously our summers are HOT. But there's more to it than that. There's a man-made aspect that plays into it as well.

Phoenix Heating Plumbing Air Conditioning
Phoenix Heating Plumbing Air Conditioning
Large cities, especially in deserts, like Phoenix generate something called an Urban Heat Island. This heat island is basically a trap for heat. Heat stays around longer because of the city. Mostly this is due to the concrete, asphalt, and other building materials we use: they just hold heat better. Nights are hotter, the heat holds over and makes it hotter overall. This means need for Phoenix heating plumbing air conditioning goes up and things just keep getting worse.

Phoenix Heating Plumbing Air Conditioning
Phoenix Heating Plumbing Air Conditioning
There have been many who have called for this issue to be examined, but it's not something a lot of people are talking about. Scientists would like to see more shaded walkways and better materials. Not only will this help mitigate the Urban Heat Island, but it makes outside a better place for kids to play. Right now its so hot during summer that it can easily become dangerous for a kid. But it might not be that way if there were shaded walkways and cooler surfaces for them to play on. It is time to start a real discussion on this issue, because it is having a serious impact on our environment and on us.

Change isn't likely to come quickly or easily, but it is likely to come. We already have begun developing better materials to help fight the issue of urban heat islands, hopefully these materials will help cool down our city and make it a better place. Until then, Phoenix heating plumbing air conditioning will help keep us cool and healthy in our hot environment.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Phoenix Air Conditioning Contractors

Phoenix Air Conditioning Contractors
There are a ton of Phoenix air conditioning contractors out there. So how are you as a consumer going to best decide which contractor you choose to get your comfort back once your AC quits? That's a process that everyone and their dog has an opinion on, but it still comes back to a few key things to look at.

How is their service? You need to find a reputable and responsible company who will get your work done on time and on par. When the summer months come, there are a lot of Phoenix air conditioning contractors who cut corners or who make a quick buck by scamming the consumer. Make sure you don't become their victim by checking out the background of anyone you think about hiring to fix your AC.
Phoenix Air Conditioning Contractors

Once you've got some reputable companies in mind, its a good time to look at how long they might take. During the off-season, this isn't an issue, companies are able to send a technician quickly to repair or examine your system. But during the hot summer months, companies can quickly become overwhelmed by the massive demand for Phoenix air conditioning contractors. Make sure you don't get stuck waiting a few days in the miserable heat just to save a few bucks. 

Finally, take a good look at the price. This price can include service charges, parts replacement, refrigerant, and anything else the company wants to end up billing you for. Be sure to look for all the charges. There is nothing worse than thinking you're getting the best deal and then getting blindsided by some hidden fees.
Phoenix Air Conditioning Contractors

Those are just a few of the key factors you need to consider whenever you are thinking of hiring a Phoenix air conditioning contractors. Keep them in mind and good luck finding your best deal.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Why Use a Phoenix Split Unit Air Conditioning System?

Phoenix Split Unit Air Conditioning System
Phoenix Split Unit Air Conditioning System
A Phoenix split unit air conditioning system can be a very valuable addition in your home.  While central AC is generally used, it is important to look to other solutions as for potential advantages.  One of the alternatives to central AC is a Phoenix split unit air conditioning system.  Why might you want to switch or install a split unit rather than central system?  Ultimately, your decision will depend on your individual needs, the structure of your home, and possibly the existing system.

Phoenix Split Unit Air Conditioning System
Phoenix Split Unit Air Conditioning System
So why might it be better to install a new Phoenix split unit air conditioning system if you are installing brand new?  Well, split unit systems tend to take up less room.  Each area is fitted with its own unit that is connected to a separate machine outside.  This system makes it possible to avoid bulky and sometimes impossible duct work that can be involved.  Instead, a small pipe can be run from each unit to a common outside unit that rejects the heat.  The pipe is about 3 inches, where as ducts require much larger holes in wall in the rooms as well as the outside wall.  In some cases the invasive duct work may be impossible, making it necessary to choose a split system over central.  This is especially true of smaller houses or living areas.

Phoenix Split Unit Air Conditioning System
Phoenix Split Unit Air Conditioning System
Split units are also a good choice in their efficiency.  Because each unit is a separate system, they are more customize-able and allow you to choose which areas to heat or cool and when to do so.  This can help save on costs when you have areas that don't need to be cooled while others do.  This change can have a great impact on your energy bill, AC being one of the biggest energy drains in Phoenix homes.

Another factor to consider when thinking about installing a Phoenix split unit air conditioning system is appearance. A central system neatly hides all machines and work outside, but a split unit system requires that each area have a machine present.  This may be a turn off to you depending on your priorities and personal preferences.

Overall, Phoenix split unit air conditioning systems are a great option, and may be better than what you think of as traditional central AC for addressing and meeting the demands of your home.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

What Happens for Phoenix AC Installation

Phoenix AC Installation
Phoenix AC Installation
Are you considering a new Phoenix AC installation, or changing from one type of system to another?  When you're thinking about switching, it's important to keep in mind everything that's involved in the process.  There are obvious benefits for each system, and we won't attempt to go into a full discussion of which system is best for each situation here, just what might be happening during the installation.

Phoenix AC Installation
Phoenix AC Installation
If you're thinking about getting a new system but it's the same kind, ductless, central, or window-mounted, then installation is easy.  For a central system, technicians will remove and dissemble the old system and then prepare the duct work for any changes that may be necessary with the new system.  This is also a good time to fix any leaks or any other issues with duct work.  Then the new system is installed and calibrated with the equipment in use.  It's even easier to switch to a new ductless or window-mounted machine.  The whole process is remove the old machine and mount the new one and seal it as necessary.

Phoenix AC Installation
Phoenix AC Installation
It is a little more difficult if you choose to change systems.  If you currently have ductless or window-mounted AC, Phoenix AC installation of a central system means laying new duct work.  That can be a bit invasive and difficult, depending on the layout of your home.  If you currently have central air conditioning and are looking to move to ductless, it is necessary to close and clean the ducts that were being used.  The duct work can be removed, but it may be a good choice to leave it in case you ever make the move back to central again.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Phoenix Goodman Air Conditioning Reaches Out to the Community

Phoenix Goodman Air Conditioning
Phoenix Goodman Air Conditioning
AC is a necessity here in the Valley of the Sun, and Phoenix Goodman air conditioning is helping to make sure that those in Phoenix have access to the comfort they need.  Goodman is working with Project Cool Aid to provide air conditioning to those in the valley who don't already have access to residential HVAC.  The project has already helped hundreds of homes in Phoenix cool off during the incredible hot summers!

Phoenix Goodman Air Conditioning
Phoenix Goodman Air Conditioning
Phoenix Goodman air conditioning is also affiliated with a new web-based service which helps those in Arizona find a new HVAC system by providing a database of contractors, systems and helps find the best option for the consumer.  This online service has been providing systems mainly from Goodman, based in Texas.  These products have worked in Arizona for years, and are still a big part of the HVAC market here.

Goodman air conditioning is working to help make the valley a better place.  Through their efforts and their partners, the valley has become a better place for many of the people living here.    Their quality products are getting to be a big hit in the valley.  If you're in the market for a new AC system, you may want to consider getting your comfort from a Goodman product.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

What's in a License for a Phoenix Air Conditioning Contractor?

We always hear the terms "licensed" or "certified" when talking about our Phoenix air conditioning contractor, but what does that mean?  What does it mean to be a licensed contractor?  How does someone come to be a certified AC technician?
Phoenix Air Conditioning Contractor
Phoenix Air Conditioning Contractor

The journey to certification begins in high school.  Students can choose to take relevant courses that will be of value to them as a Phoenix air conditioning contractor.  These courses are things like Physics, especially fluids and electrics, an electronics class, math, and classes that involve blue print reading or other similar tasks.  These are just some examples of the classes that may aid a future AC technician.

After graduating high school, prospective technicians can begin at a trade school or in a similar program at another college.  These programs can take about 2 years to complete, and now certify the technician as qualified to work on HVAC systems.  But there is still one more step until full-fledged a license.

Phoenix Air Conditioning Contractor
Phoenix Air Conditioning Contractor
After being certified, a technician can be seek an HVAC license through the state of Arizona.  Experience is usually gained in the field, either through work or through an apprenticeship, after which you can apply for a license.  The process involves an exam that covers not only knowledge on HVAC, but also business competence and knowledge.  With a passing exam, the applicant can then finish their application for a license and become a licensed Phoenix air conditioning contractor.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

How Do I Prepare For Phoenix A/C Installation?

Are you looking forward to Phoenix A/C Installation in the near future?  Not sure where to start?  Well, that's alright.  A/C installation can be a bit confusing.  What system should you get?  Well, there are so many options that it would be nearly impossible to look at them all.  So here are something you can do to help narrow down your search.

Phoenix A/C Installation
Phoenix A/C Installation
First: find out how much space you need your new system to cool.  Calculate the floor space of your home.  If you bought a new home, you may still have this figure around.  If not, you can calculate it yourself measuring yourself.  Even if your home has shapes that aren't standard, you can usually break it down into combinations of triangles, circles, and rectangles.  Just calculate the areas of all these shapes and add them up.  A professional can also come and help you find this number.  The space you need to cool will impact the amount of cooling power your system will need.  This is measured in BTUs, but it varies by environmental conditions and other factors. A standard guess is about 25 BTU per square foot of floor space, but given the needs of Phoenix A/C installation, this number will be higher.
Phoenix A/C Installation
Phoenix A/C Installation
Second: consider the specific needs of your home.  Does your home need the entire area cooled?  Or would a zoned system be more efficient for you?  A zoned system only cools zones of the house, meaning that some areas are hot, but if you don't need to cool those areas, it can save you a lot of money.  

Third: look for outside constraints.  Check to make sure you have space for a new A/C or that your housing development doesn't have any restrictions on types of A/C systems they will allow.  While this is very uncommon, it would be a huge pain to buy a new system and then have no where to put it or to be told that it isn't allowed where you live.

So now you've hopefully got some more information to narrow down your search for a new A/C system.  Good luck with your new Phoenix A/C installation!

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Phoenix Air Conditioning Installation: Staying Comfy While Saving on AC

Phoenix Air Conditioning Installation
Phoenix Air Conditioning Installation
A heavily used A/C unit more than likely has some worn out, out of date parts. Getting newer, more up to date components may help increase performance, but after a while, the best option to improve your unit is to replace it. New A/C systems have updated requirements for efficiency than older units, and replacing your air conditioner with an ENERGY STAR rated unit could help decrease your utility bill each month.

Most home owners in the middle of Phoenix air conditioning installation without ducts install the alternative window A/C units that are loud, inefficient, and less effective. It is no secret central A/C is just better. With a ductless mini-split A/C unit you can have the same experience without the need for air ducts. A licensed technician will install an outdoor unit and an in home air handler around the residence without the need for any renovation (other than a small hole in the wall needed to connect the two parts).

Energy saving systems also often qualify for local utility rebates or other government incentives which opens doors and makes the options more affordable. Make sure to look into the current Arizona policies for Phoenix air conditioning installation.  

Phoenix Air Conditioning Installation
Phoenix Air Conditioning Installation
Another important factor to consider is comfort.  Some of the higher efficiency systems out there today come with an added benefit from both maintaining the temperature within a more exact range to controlling humidity. While getting chilled air is relatively straight forward, also think about the long-term financial and comfort aspects before buying your next unit.

Like going out for a new TV the week after the Super Bowl or a 2016 model year car after the 2017s hit the lot, timing you’re A/C unit purchase can save a considerable amount of money. In the cooler holiday season, contractors are trying to generate enough jobs to keep their crews working, so they generally 10% to 20% off their bids. In the north, fall and spring offer similar discounted pricing and better weather for doing the installation.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Phoenix Heating & Air Conditioning: Keeping Your Home as Cool as a Fridge

Phoenix Heating & Air Conditioning
Phoenix Heating & Air Conditioning
Modern air conditioning as we know it was developed in 1902 by an electrical engineer named Willis Haviland Carrier. It was designed to solve a humidity problem at the Sackett-Wilhelms Lithographing and Publishing Company in Brooklyn, N.Y. Paper stock at the plant could occasionally absorb moisture from the hot air, resulting in difficultly when applying the layered inking techniques of that was common at that time.

The common central A/C system for Phoenix heating & air conditioning is a split system, with an outdoor unit, or "compressor-bearing unit" and an indoor coil, which is usually located on top of the furnace in the house.

A/C units and refrigerators work exactly the same way. Instead of cooling just the little, insulated space within a fridge, a unit cools a room, home, or a building.

Heat and moisture are taken out from the residence when hot air from inside the home is blown over the cooled indoor coil. The heat in the air transfers to the coil, which ultimately cools the air.

Phoenix Heating & Air Conditioning
Phoenix Heating & Air Conditioning
Phoenix heating & air conditioning units use refrigeration to cool indoor air, utilizing a remarkable physical law: When a liquid converts to a gas, it absorbs heat. A/C units take advantage of this ability of phase conversion by creating unique chemical compounds to evaporate and condense repeatedly in a closed system of coils.

The compounds that are used are refrigerants that have properties enabling them to change at relatively cold temperatures. Units also possess fans that circulate hot interior air over these cold, refrigerant-filled coils. Central A/C units have a complete system of ducts designed to move air to and from these air-chilling coils.

The unit has three primary parts: a compressor, a condenser and an evaporator. The compressor and condenser are typically found on the exterior air portion of the unit. The evaporator is located within the home, sometimes as part of a furnace. This part that your heats house.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

A Money Saving Trick For Phoenix Air Conditioning Rises From the Deep

Phoenix Air Conditioning
Phoenix Air Conditioning
Most of the systems for Phoenix air conditioning depend on electricity as their power source.  Electricity is the energy taking the heat from our homes to leave us with a comfortable inside.  But there is rising popularity for a new mechanism to be employed.  While this may not be the most applicable to our desert region, it may still have use given all the community lakes we've got around in the valley.  Deep water source cooling.

Phoenix Air Conditioning
Phoenix Air Conditioning
Deep water source cooling is the practice of pumping water from the bottom of a water source be used to cool a home.  The water near the bottom of a deep body of water rests around 38 F.  Taking advantage of this, HVAC systems pump water from a nearby body of water such as a lake or a river.  The water is pumped up to the house and used to cool refrigerant, keeping the house cool with minimal electrical input.

Deep water source cooling is more effective because it doesn’t try to “push” the heat “uphill.”  Instead, it takes the heat and lets it naturally move to a cooler environment, one that specifically has a very high specific temperature, or the amount of energy required to raise its temperature.  A simple change in where the heat is being moved to can make our air conditioning much more effective!

Phoenix Air Conditioning
Phoenix Air Conditioning
This kind of cooling may remind you of geothermal cooling, where heat is pumped to the cool Earth below us.  The principle is very similar, but the work needed to install each system can be very different.

Deep water source cooling is growing in popularity, especially in regions abounding in natural lakes.  Its application as a way to cheaply and effectively cool a home makes it a popular choice for those who are able to set the system up.  But as its applications grow, we may see Phoenix air conditioning systems using deep water source cooling more extensively.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

International Growth of Phoenix Daikin Air Conditioning

Phoenix Daikin Air Conditioning
Phoenix Daikin Air Conditioning
Phoenix Daikin Air Conditioning is an important business making the Valley of the Sun their home.  Starting in 2012 with Daikin’s acquisition of Goodman Global Group Inc. Daikin entered the US market, pushing to get its air conditioning units into American homes. For a few years, Daikin worked in a facility in Phoenix, but in 2015 the group chose to make Phoenix a permanent home of a regional office and manufacturing plant. The plant designs and manufactures advanced AC systems that help meet the increased demand for cooling during out hot summer.  The plant here is matched by others in similarly hot places like Houston, Australia, and India. In addition to the growth here in the states, Daikin has seen growth in many international markets.
Phoenix Daikin Air Conditioning
Phoenix Daikin Air Conditioning

Many countries with rising populations and incomes are experiencing a drastic increase in demand for cooling power.  Countries like China are currently increasing their demand for air conditioning, and countries in Southeast Asia and sub-Saharan Africa will follow soon after.  This increased demand comes as a boon to companies like Daikin, but at a cost to the environment.  Currently, something near 12% of global carbon emissions are from heating homes. But as the climate continues to heat up, this will eventually be replaced with emissions from cooling. Right now we have the chance to combat what could become a major contributor to our carbon emissions problem.
Phoenix Daikin Air Conditioning
Phoenix Daikin Air Conditioning

Thanks to the work of Phoenix Daikin Air Conditioning, we are running better, cheaper, and more efficient AC systems.  These new systems going to be important in combating rising issues and preventing a vicious cycle of global warming increasing, which creates a rising demand for home and business cooling, which only further increases the temperature.  Thanks to the ongoing efforts of Phoenix Daikin Air Conditioning and other groups like them we may be able to combat this cycle.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Phoenix Air Conditioning Units: What to Know Going into Fall

Phoenix Air Conditioning Units
Phoenix Air Conditioning Units
Preparing Phoenix air conditioning units and appliances for the changing seasons takes a bit of preparation. When things begin to get colder, it’s time to get your air conditioner ready to slow down for a season. A/C maintenance can be basic or more complex depending on the type of air conditioner that you have. If you have any concerns about preparing your A/C for fall, call an experienced technician for help. Here are a few basic tips to help you out.

For A/C maintenance of a centralized system, you will need to swap out the filters and check the system to make sure it is not dirty. Having a licensed technician come in and clean your central system before the new season will help to keep the air in your home cleaner and your family healthier. Cleaning should occur twice every year. Additionally, make sure to swap out filters twice a year. Fall is a great time to do these regular repairs.

Phoenix Air Conditioning Units
Phoenix Air Conditioning Units
Dust, dirt, and other contaminants can pile up around our Phoenix air conditioning units, especially in the fall. When you begin to rake up your yard, be sure to rake up the leaves around your A/C unit. Built up leaves can change air flow, resulting in your system to working harder and breaking down faster. 

Set your thermostat at the warmest temperature you can while still remaining comfortable. Whenever possible, use alternative cooling methods like fans. The cooler you set your thermostat, the more work your system will have to do to maintain temperature. Many believe turning your unit off completely will save on energy and alleviate your unit, but that makes more work for it when you turn it back on. The additional, prolonged work can lead to an earlier system failure.

Phoenix Central AC 101: The Basics of Your Central Air Condtioning

Phoenix Central AC
Phoenix Central AC
Phoenix Central AC is a pretty common standard.  But what exactly is it and how does it work?  Why should you choose a central system rather than maybe ductless AC?  How does Central AC help you get comfort?  Here’s a brief overview into how Central AC systems work, what they do well, and some of the issues you might run into with yours:

Central air conditioning systems are made of two parts: one piece sits in an unobtrusive spot inside the home while the other part is outside.  The system inside sucks in hot air from the home and blows it over a cooling coil.  The coil and the Freon inside picks up the heat and is pumped out to the outside unit, which uses another fan to blow air that will absorb the heat, leaving the Freon cooled once again.  On the coil on the inside, the air often leaves behind the humidity it was carrying, forming condensation on the coil.  This water is also removed from air in the house, meaning central AC does two things: it cools the air and removes humidity.

Phoenix Central AC
Phoenix Central AC
So what’s great about a central air conditioning in Phoenix?  These systems are powerful, they get the job done well, which is awesome when you’re in the middle of a 110+ weather for months in the summer.  Central AC is great for cooling the entire house, another great bonus to those seeking to escape the sweltering AZ heat.  Because half of the system is located outside, and the other part is in one inconspicuous spot in the house, central air conditioning is virtually invisible, something you just don’t get with ductless air conditioning or window mounted units.  These systems also increase the resell value of a home, meaning if you ever want to move, a central AC unit makes it easier.

Phoenix Central AC
Phoenix Central AC
Phoenix Central AC units are awesome, aren’t they?  Well, they don’t run perfectly, just like everything else.  Some of the issues you might have, still not common, might be some weird smells.  If you smell burning or smoke and its coming from your AC unit, it might be an electrical short or a motor burned out. In either case, call a professional to have a look.  If you have a damp smell, it could be that the water collected on the inside coil built up and overflowed and mold may have grown of be growing.  Take care of this quickly by getting a professional to unclog the overflow pipe.  Overall, Phoenix central AC systems are a good, sturdy choice that keep you comfortable in the hot Arizona summers.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Phoenix Residential HVAC: What is HVAC?

Phoenix Residential HVAC
Phoenix Residential HVAC
The choice of a Phoenix residential HVAC system can be overwhelming and intimidating —after all, an HVAC is one of the largest and most costly purchases the average family will incur. Consequently, understanding HVAC is an important first step. So, what is HVAC?

HVAC is a frequently used term in the heating and cooling industry. It is an acronym for "heating, ventilation and air conditioning”. These are the three crucial comfort functions that are combined into a single system. Heated, chilled, or dehumidified air flows through multiple tubes, also known as ducts, to be relocated among all the rooms of your home. A central HVAC system is the most quiet and favorable way to cool an entire home comfortably.

Unless you live in an incredibly moderate climate, the HVAC system in your house uses the most energy and will cost more monthly than any other system in your residence. Commonly, around forty-four percent of your utility bill goes toward your HVAC system.

For a Phoenix residential HVAC system, the cooling is the most crucial element of an HVAC system for a large part of the year. The A/C unit in a central cooling system provides cool air through ducts within your house by creating a process that pulls out the warm air from inside, removing its heat. 

Phoenix Residential HVAC
Phoenix Residential HVAC
In a split system, the compressor condenses and circulates the refrigerant through the outdoor air conditioner, morphing it from a gas to a liquid. The liquid is then forced through the evaporator coil or cooling compartment found within the home. The indoor air conditioner’s fan circulates the air that is inside the unit, causing it to pass across the evaporator fins. The evaporator’s metal fin interchanges the thermal energy with the air next to it. There, the refrigerant changes from liquid into vapor, removing any heat from the area. As the heat is decreased, the air is cooled and blown back into the residence.

After that, the condenser or outdoor unit changes the refrigerant vapor back into a liquid, again ridding it of any heat. By the time the fluid leaves the evaporator again, it is a cool, low-pressure gas, eventually getting back to the condenser to start its journey all over again. This process continues multiple times until your house gets to the comfort level you want, as set and sensed by your thermostat.